Monday 13 February 2012

Inspire me...

For my upcoming project, I am creating the brand Pixies&Paupers along with designing a S/S13 collection. My theme is 'Animalistic', yet within that, I am doing four tee prints based around snakes... I hope you're not afraid of snakes, as there will be plenty of imagery to follow...
I'm thinking dark and mysterious, yet strong, and at times aggressive for the photo shoots, with strong contouring with makeup, and sharp body language and lighting. Should be good? I have until May to hand in the project, but as I go along I will keep posting bits and bobs of how I'm getting on.

On another note... I am SOsoSO happy... I GOT MY CAMERA! Yay :D literally over the moon right now. I got the Cannon 550D. Perfect. So now I can start taking my own photos and get some outfit posts up! Yay! It's all coming together.. Slowly. Thank you for your patience.

Today is going to be a domestic day for me. I'm already awake a lot earlier than I wanted to be considering I was up at 6 yesterday.. I'm on reading week from Uni so I planned on sleeping until at least 12. Cheers postman (well post lady) - this is what I get for having the front room in the house I guess! So yes, tidying and blogging. Lovely.

Here's some fantastic imagery from which I'm getting inspiration from at the moment - again appologies if you're frightened of snakes...

Images found through google and