Wednesday 29 February 2012

Models wanted...

Fancy being in a photoshoot? Done a bit of modelling in the past? Please do get in touch, leave me a comment at the end of this post, or send me an email (address on the contact page). I'm doing a photoshoot based on 'animalistic', so think fierce and edgy. Please do get in touch if you think this is for you.
Criteria: you will need to be avaliable in Bristol, and I will need you to send me a photo of yourself, front on and profile.

image credit: Isabeli Fontana, by Mario Sorrenti, Paris Vogue.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

A walk of art...

There is just so much amazing street art in Bristol, (can I just state that none of these works are mine, and unfortunately I don't know who's they are so sadly cannot credit) it's literally one big canvas. Everywhere you look there's a splash of colour or a giant face staring at you. This was also just another excuse to get the camera out :)

Friday 17 February 2012

Dream a dream...

So London Fashion Week has bugun! Oh how I wish I was there :( weep. Fashion week in September was amazing for me as I was interning for House of Holland at the time, so I got to work backstage for the show. Literally amazing. But this time round is not so exciting... I can only look at the pictures on the website. So sad. Excited to see highlights of the House of Holland show tomorrow though, he always puts on a fantastic show. All the best Henry and the amazing team!
Next year, I would love to be invited to come along to the shows... thats the dream for now, then work my way up to Paris and New York! That would be amazing... Well, hopefully if this blog kicks off then I might be able to get my hands on some invites, rather than be the one sending them out!
Any thoughts on who you would like to see if you were there? Or if you are going?? Do share :)

Here's some photos from last year..

On another note, tomorrow is the day we go off to cheer comp! YAY. So excited, it's in Loughbourough uni which is cool, I haven't been there yet and my good friend goes there so I'll be able to see him too... Catch ups are always nice. So hopefully we do well! Go comets... *\o/*

image at the top is from the London Fashion Week home page.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Lovely things...

I came across a little vintage shop called Best Befre that I don't know how I haven't noticed before. So sweet with some lovely little bits and bobs, they kindly let me take some photos too which was lovely :) I bought a washed out denim head band with a large bow on - so sweet. Picture below...

I love this phone! Definately on the wish list...
