Monday 25 June 2012

Catch up...

Hi guys, sorry I haven't blogged in so long. Been busy, plus my laptop decided to go off on one so I can't upload any images because I'm using the iPad. Annoying. No editing or anything for a while! Nightmare. So I thought I'd write a little catch up... I finished all my work despite my laptop packing in and loosing half my work.. And just recently had our exhibition. It was actually really nice to see everyone's work up on the walls of the paintworks in Bristol, I didnt know what to expect and was pleasantly suprised at how professional everyone's work looked. Also, I'm off to Cornwall on Thursday and I'm so excited! Going to stay with my boyfriend for a few weeks which should be lovely, I just hope the weather is on our side! I've been promised camping on the beach so I really hope it stays dry! Other than that, as soon as I get a laptop back I have so much to post... More final images from my animalistic project, images from the exhibition, plus I finished printing all the t-shirts from the snake collection so I will be posting them on here along with information on how to purchase one. Have a great summer everyone :)