Monday 30 January 2012

Galaxy defender...

Previous collection sheets.
Inspiration for this collection originally came from Joseph Turner's beautiful watercolour paintings in the Tate Britain 'Colour and Line' exhibition. He uses such gorgeous brushstrokes and plays on expressionism so wonderfully it led me off in so many different directions. From creating some of my own watercolour pieces and playing around with screen print techniques I ended up being guided towards images of space and galaxies, which had such vibrant colour ways and room for variation. The collection is based around the final screen printed scarf I made for my university project, which I scanned in to Photoshop. The garments are a 'what I would have done with the print if the project were to continue' but they have definately opened up an new design style for me and Pixies&Paupers. Enjoy x

Monday 23 January 2012

New start...

Hello there you, and a fresh new 2012! Welcome to Pixies&Paupers’ brand new blog. I am currently a uni student in Bristol, planning to start up this brand for all you lovely people, so please keep popping back to see how I’m getting on.
Pixies&Paupers is a label that combines design, photography and styling, and hopefully will set up shop in the near future for you guys to get hold of our wonderful goodies. Yay us :)

Well stay tuned for updates on current trends, outfit posts, and projects that I’m undergoing, and who knows… one day soon you could be seeing this name everywhere… [[watch this space!]]